Certified Career Day – Reflections and Replay


Certified Career Day – Reflections and Replay


It’s been a few busy weeks since the Certified Career Day and even now the whole visit to Microsoft Headquarters feels like mirage. Visiting Seattle was definitely an experience that I will never forget and I was able to finally see the Space Needle that was so often mentioned in the comedy series Frasier. Anyway, back to MCCD2013…

So on the morning of the broadcast, I couldn’t sleep…how could I…there were over 8000 registered attendees! I’ve never participated in a live broadcast so had no idea what to expect so was very nervous. However, once things got underway it was quite an enjoyable experience. Of course afterwards there were elements of the panel discussion that I wished I had taken a more of a leading role on, but the most important thing that I felt was left unsaid is as follows:

Cloud technologies is impacting the nature and role of IT Professionals, the focus of technicians being confined into a backroom and to provide technical support on a reactive basis are quickly diminishing. Now IT Professional are helping to form the business decisions of an organisation. In essence they have gone from the dark room to the board room.

I know it was touched upon in the panel discussion but it feels much better to get it off my chest!

You can watch the highlights of MCCD2013 below:

You can watch the full day including the panel discussion here: http://meme.ms/baw1iex


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